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3rd Year Project: My Project Shoot Day 2 - part Two

The second part of my shoot day took place about 30 minutes after the first part. This was the most important shoot that I have for this project, as the shoot was at the Lunch Club, which is what my documentary is about. I knew that if I needed to, I would be able to shoot some more footage the next month, but I wanted to get as much footage as I could from that day so that I could put together a better edit. I was disappointed by one thing on this shoot, however, which was the location. I knew that the Church was going to be undergoing renovations inside, but I did not know that it was going to be this soon in the year, so I was not able to shoot in the Church like I had for my test footage. Instead, The club was being held in a hall a few buildings down the road

I was working on my own for this shoot, so I knew that it was going to be difficult getting all the necessary shots that I needed, so I had to have a good idea of what was going to be happening during the day. I had some ideas at the beginning of the day of what shots I wanted to get, such as several panoramic shots throughout the day to shot how the club looked at various points of the day, and have them fade into each other at the end of the film. 

The club was at it's busiest that I have ever seen it, so it was going to be even more difficult to film, due to the noise and the cramped spaces. However, the amount of people would also look good in the wider shots, which would help to show how important the club is too so many people. 

I had been to talk to the vicar a few days before the Lunch Club day, and he had agreed to come to the club so that I could interview him. He had some very interesting things to say that are definitely going to be useful for my project. The interviews with the customers and volunteers that I also shot were also full of useful information. I wanted to have a good selection of people interviewed who have had varying experiences at the club, so that I could show different angles of what the club meant to people.

The chance to interview so many people who have their own different personalities was really good, as it will be able to give a sense of realism to my film, as people acting and talking differently will make the club feel more alive, which is what I want to be able to show.


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