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3rd Year Project - Script

When planning my first shoot day at the Lunch club, I did start to write a script for it. However, I found it very difficult, due to the fact that my documentary was very interview-based, so I couldn't really write out what answers people would give, or how long they would be talking for. Also, as I was going to be interviewing customers at the club, I had no way of knowing who was going to be there, as it can vary from week to week, so if I planned for certain people to be at the club in order to ask them a certain set of questions, then they don't turn up, it would really mess with my plan. 

On the first day of shooting at the Lunch club, I did try and use the script that I had written, however as I was working on my own, I was to busy rushing around trying to catch people for a few minutes for an interview, and making sure that I had enough shots for my edit. Because of this, I did not use the script for the other shoot day at the Lunch club, and for the days where all I was shooting was an interview at someone's house, I had some questions lined up and a plan on where the cameras would be set up in their home, which is all that I needed. 

Also, because of the amount of people that I interviewed and the shots that I got of the club, when I went to use the script for my edit, it seemed to be wrong, so I had to decide not to use the script when crafting my edit. However, the script did remind me of some certain shots that I needed to make sure that I got. some of the most important shots that I wanted to get. Since the beginning of the production stage, I have had the idea use pans and fades to show the story of the Lunch club, starting with an empty room, then tables and chairs are set up, then more and more people arriving, then the people leaving and ending with an empty room again.

Below is the script that I did write. the words in red are for names, because if I needed to see how many times someone is either interviewed or the focus of a shot, I could find them easier.

General shots of around sittingbourne, such as along the high street, at the bus stop etc.
Narrator - In the South East of England, in a town called Sittingbourne, there doesn't seem to be much here. Sure, the younger generation can go out and just wander round with their friends, and the middle aged generation can meet up with friends and family to have a meal out or do a bit of shopping. But there doesn't seem to be anything here for the older generation to enjoy. It almost seems like they are an after thought of society. However, there are some people who are doing what they can to make sure that the older generation of society are not separate from the rest of society. And this has all come from the inside of a local Church.
Nat sound – cars driving, people chatting etc.
EXT. Holy Trinity Church
General shots of the outside of the Church
Narrator - About six years ago in this Church, an event was created with the goal of helping the older generation be a bit more active. It was here that the idea of the Holy Trinity Church Lunch Club was put forward in a meeting by a member of the Parish, Pauline Grant
MS – Interview with Pauline – possibly her house, or her journey to the club
Pauline gives answers, but questions are not heard
Interview with Rev. Resch
Rev. Resch talks about how the club idea came about, and its impact on people
MS – Interview with Iris – outside her house, as she is leaving for the club
Iris gives answers, but questions are not heard
INT. Holy Trinity Church
General shots of the club being set up, and customers arriving
Narrator - Since the club was created, it has been through several changes, and had numerous volunteers and customers come and go
Interview with Eileen, Beryl and Betty as they are arriving
Narrator – The volunteers get to the club at about 11:00 and set up the tables and get the food ready for the first customers, which usually arrive at about 11:45
Transition to Interview with Ruby
Ruby gives answers, but questions are not heard
General shots of customers and volunteers
Narrator – For the volunteers at the club, the work doesn’t start that day. In fact, the work starts a few days before. All of the food served at the club is homemade by the volunteers, which they prepare the night before
Interview with Penny – Her house, she is cooking. Shots vary from CU of food to MS of her walking around kitchen
Penny gives answers, but questions are not heard
Shots of people arriving at the club
Narrator – Due to the club being created by people belonging to the Church, there are those from out of town who belong to the Church that travel in order to come to the club. One example of this is Richard
Shot of Richard at train station. Cuts to interview with Richard
Richard gives answers, but questions are not heard
Shots of the customers arriving, talking to others, and volunteers taking orders
Narrator - As the club has been going for a number of years, there are some people who are still coming for a meal and a chat after all this time, which shows how much of an impact the club has on the lives of the people who attend it
Transition to Interview with Alan
Alan gives answers, but questions are not heard
General shots of customers
Narrator - However, the way that attending the club has affected people shows in the volunteers, as well as the customers.
Transition to interview with David Winfield
David gives answers, but questions are not heard. Mentions Nan
Shots of customers talking to each other
Narrator - Speaking to some of the customers that attend the club, it can be seen that coming to the club for a meal and to meet other people has really benefited them.
Transition to Interview with Customer
Customer gives answers, but questions are not heard
General shots of the club
Narrator - For some people, coming to the club either as a volunteer or a customer was a way of getting out of the house, but for others, the club meant a lot more to them, as it helped them pick themselves up after a tough part of their lives.
Camera focuses on De
Narrator - One person which fits this is De, a woman who has been coming to the club for about 6 years, and came to try and overcome a sad point in her life.
Transition to Interview with De
De gives answers, but questions are not heard
Camera returns to focusing on De
Narrator - It is people like Dee that the club is truly beneficial for, as it can be a place to relieve stress, or to talk about problems that you are having.
General shots of the club, then transition to Monica and Alec
Narrator – The people who come to eat at the club vary from week to week. There are some who come every now and then, but there are also some who are here every week, such as Monica and Alec
Interview with Monica and Alec
Monica and Alec talk about their experience at the club
Transition to interview with Barbie
Barbie talks about why she joined the club, and how it has affected her life
Transition to black screen, then fade into a panoramic shot travelling to the right of frame, which then fades into another panoramic shot travelling the opposite direction. Repeat this three times
Panoramic shot of the club empty, with no tables and chairs. Do a pan on both directions so that I have a choice of shot, and see what direction works better in the edit. Then a few more panoramic shots every now and then to shot the club becoming busier, then peaking, then becoming quiet again. Make sure to get a pan in both directions to see what works best
