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3rd Year Project: My Project Shoot Day 3

The third day of shooting for my project was easier than some of the others, as it was interviewing my grandad at his house. It was an enjoyable shoot, as I felt more relaxed as I knew the interviewee and the location, and as it was my grandad's house, he felt a lot more comfortable as well. 

We set up two cameras in order to have two different angles to be able to switch between, plus we used a phone to get a side-on angle as well. I had some questions prepared, and had an idea of how long the shoot would take. I had to be careful about how ling we took for the shoot, as the people who were helping me had a shoot later in the day for their own shoot, which I was helping them on, so there was a slight sense of pressure. 

During the shoot, we had to change a few things with the cameras, as the footage that they were filming looked slightly different, due to them being different types of camera, so we had to play around with the settings to make them look more similar

My grandad was really good to interview due to him giving plenty of information in his answers, and was very compliant in what I was saying to him, such as giving slightly longer answers and where he focused his gaze. 

While coming to the end of the shoot, we had the idea to get a shot of my grandad entering the room and sitting down in the chair, which would have some voiceover in the edit. 

Overall, the shoot went really well with very few problems. However, if I were to do this shoot again, I think that I would maybe ask a few more questions so that I have got more of a variety of answers to include in my project. 
