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TV news: Hazlitt theatre filming

Filming went quite well at the Hazlitt, despite us starting late and having no access to the area that we originally wanted to film in, due to there being a show in there that day. Instead, we had to improvise and film in the bar area, which was not going to be used that night. We set up the camera and went through lines with our presenter, as well as filming the introduction to our news story.

After filming for about an hour, I unfortunatly had to leave, otherwise I would have missed the bus. I was told by my group though that the rest of filming went very well, with the live interviews going off without a hitch. My group managed to interview Jenny Longings, the manager of the Hazlitt Theatre, and asked her about the youth theatre, what it means to her, and how successful it has been. We also interviewed some members of the youth theatre and what the theatre means to them as well.


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