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TV News: Helen's feedback

Today we had feed back from Helen about our news report, and what needs to be improved.

Hazlitt News Package
  • Needs more context through stats and statistics.
  • Be less formal and journalistic.
  • Find out how they have made the youth theatre commercially viable
  • See if we can talk to the art critic from the KM, who has reviewed the Hazlitt's shows in the past.
Fort Luton Live Report

We have had to abandon the Fort Luton shoot, because we did not prepare enough in time for the day the show was going to be put on there.

New Century Cinema Live Report

We decided to do a live report on the independent New Century Cinema, in Sittingbourne. It is still in line with our topic of arts in the South-East, and provides a different aspect to the performing arts that we'll show with the Hazlitt. The cinema can provide a social environment for kids, and help them get into cinema as an art form too. Also because the cinema is independent, we can talk about the issues the cinema has faced in the past and how it struggles to stay open.


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