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TV News unit

We were told that our first unit of the second year was going to be TV news, which sounded very interesting, as I had only done either factual or creative shoots, and news, despite being factual, has more elements to it.

I am in a group with Will Barker and Ollie Elliot-Rye, who have both produced very good work during first year. We were told to each think of an idea to be the focus of our news story. I chose something that I had recently seen in the news, which was that snow leopards had just been take off of the endangered list for the first time in 40 years. I felt that this was news worthy due to it it being quite an uplifting piece of news, as most people have seen the WWF adverts, so would be able to see how much conservation has been done.

The idea that Will came up with, is to do a live report from the Raindance Film Festival in London, a very big film festival that premieres feature/short films and music videos from 120 countries (past premieres include Memento, Pulp Fiction, Oldboy, and The Blair Witch Project) and report on the new films that are being released there.

I will be going to do some research into snow leopards and the conservation efforts that have ben taken to make this story possible, and will also try and get in contact with the Head Keeper at the Big Cat Sanctuary in Headcorn, as I have been there before and know they have several snow leopards that we could film.


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