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Documentary unit

- Choose a title for your film that sells your film, trades audience, encapsulates what film is about

The treatment
- outline how you intend to tell the story
        - main characters, locations, style/ format, narrative structure, presenter/ reporter?
- target audience?

- Always start buy writing your commentary and interweave with a summary of each person’s sync eg Fred describes his life in London (RESEARCH informs your comm).
- Explore picture opportunities through your script
- ALWAYS write to pictures – they should work together – synergy of words and pictures.

Write COMM or V/O for commentary
- Write SEQ for sequence
- Write ACT for actuality
- Write C/A for cutaway
- Write SYNC for interview clips
- Write SFX for sound effects
- Commentary is usually made distinct by being written in italics/in bold – also helps during voice over record if they are numbered
- Line and a half spacing makes it easier to read


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