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Contextual studies: Metaphor and Meaning

Metaphor - implicit, implied or hidden comparison between two things that appear unrelated but share some common characteristics.
                   - a creative means to stimulate audience by getting them to think in new ways

Allegory - an extended or complex metaphor, or connected series of metaphors
                - usually has two meanings: literal and symbolic (or metaphorical)
Alien is regarded as a feminist/Freudian allegory, using visual sexual metaphors

Allusion - an indirect or passing reference, usually with no metaphorical intent
                 - often used as homage or nod to a related show or film, or writer/ directors' inspirations

Analogy - a literal comparison without further meaning (a metaphor uses analogy with greater meaning)
                - Forrest Gump's 'Life is like a box of chocolates'

While writers may use verbal or literary metaphors, most metaphors in film and TV will be visual
Metaphors generally need to be constructed of familiar visual symbols and references, and cannot be overly complex
Like a verbal metaphor, they will break down if there are too many analogies to process at once. But there needs to be enough detail that the metaphor is recognisable and easily understood

Jessica Jones

Although grounded in realism, TV series acknowledges in,-world superpowers, MCU and comic book roots
Created a


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