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Contextual studies: Virtualism

What do we mean by Virtualism?
- In media context, the simulation of 'the real': primarily through digital contsruct and manipulation
- The aesthetic tension between physical and digital; material Vs immaterial; 'the uncanny valley'

Virtualism in visual media
- Game of thrones - fantasy drama, dramatic elements (narrative and characters) relies on realism, fantasy (non-realist) elements relies on digital construct
- Sanctuary - fantasy/ sci-fi drama, dramatic elements (narrative and character) relies on realism, visual infect (environment) entirely digital

- 'Virtual' news sets are purely representational
- Simulates reality; we decide by genre symbols

Aesthetic tension
- What is 'real' ?
- What is 'created' ?
- Analogue (practical) or digital?
- How do we perceive the difference?

'The Uncamny'
- "an uncanny effect often arises when the boundary between fantasy and reality is blurred" - Freud 1919
- Heimlich - the familiar and comfortable
- Unheimlich - the unfamiliar and strange

'The uncanny valley'

- Following Freud's theory, the perceptual gap between that which is perceived as 'real' and that which is 'almost real' (or a close simulacrum)
- Provides aesthetic sense of discomfort, eerieness or revulsion


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