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Contextual studies: Sex and Sexuality

What do we mean by 'sexuality'
- Distinct from gender or biology
- The expression of sexual identity through internal feelings and external behaviour
- Can also refer to sexual activity (in particular visual representation)

Sexuality in the media
- Visual presentations of sexual expression ( eroticism, pornography)
- Identity representations of sexual expression (LGBT, asexualism, pansexualisn

Visual representation
Eroticism - aesthetic depiction of sexuality; may not involve nudity
Pornography - explicit depiction of sexuality; usually via nudity MD graphic sexual activity

Media censorship
- depictions of sex and sexuality in medical traditionally mediated by external censors
- UK - broadcasting legislation, watchdogs (Ofcom)
- US - FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
- Broadcast networks also have individual editorial guidelines
- 'Moral majority' also act as external watchdogs (Mary Whitehouse, national press)

Sexual representation
-  Sexual representation in TV and film historically tightly controlled until 70's liberalisation
-  First portrayals of nudity and gay characters

Sexual stereotypes
- Libertine
- Camp
- Butch
- Asexual

Sexuality and iconography
- Ellen DeGeneres - sitcom persona 'onscreen outing' towards end of 4th season. Right wing Christian groups pressured to drop; advertisers pulled out. Drew 42 million viewers. Series dropped after 5th season but paved way for other shows

Queer theory
- Theorists such as Judith Butler argue gender and sexuality are social constructs informed by the media and representation
- Alternative t gay and lesbian critical theory which places sexuality in history, social and political contexts

Freud and sexual theory
- 'The unconscious' - repressed or sublimated sexual desire expressed through 'subtext'
- Polymorphism - existing in different forms, (sexual deviancy outside heteronormative)
- Scopophilia/ Voyeurism
- Oedipal and Electra complex

Girls (2012 - 2017)
- Sitcom(?) Written and directed by Lena Dunham
- Femle centric depiction of sexuality
- HBO series outside FCC regulations

Agency has become new criterion for analysing representation


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