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Directions unit: Directors statement

Directors statement

These are some of the actors that i looked at on castingcallpro, and managed to get in contact with them to see if they were free to be on my shoot.

Joanna Barton - A friend suggested her when i as looking for a woman to be one of my lead characters. I looked at her profile, and saw that she had done a variety of roles. i managed to get in contact with her, and she agreed to be on my shoot. she said that she had seen the original film that I had chosen, so she knew the role already, which was very god for me.

The rest of these people, i contacted, but only Tom Collingwood and Rachael Waters contacted me back. however, they were both busy on my shoot days, so were unable to be in my film.

Because of the lack of response, I still needed roles filled, so I had to ask my family and friends if they would be able to be in my film. I did not want to do this as I wanted to try and be more professional for this topic.


This is the location that i eventually used, as my first location was denied. 

Sound design

I used a mic attached to the camera for my sound as I felt that due to the movement in some scenes, such as running, it would be easier to shoot with the microphone attached to the camera instead of a boom. I also needed to add in some sound effects during editing, as there was not enough background noise. to do this, I brought some props into the studios and tried being a foley sound maker. I managed to make the sounds that I wanted by hitting a melon with different forces. 

Costume design

I dressed my characters in more modern clothing, as I wanted to bring a more modern feel to my film, as the original version was set in the 1990s

Mood, tone and visual style

To try and make the film look similar to the original, i wanted to set the film at night, as I felt that this would create a better atmosphere for the story, adding suspense to the story and affecting the characters.


The editing process was very good, as I was able to add in some sounds that I felt made the the film better, such as some industrial sounds to match the area, and some music that I thought added suspense. i also wanted to change some of the original film, as in it the main woman, Annie, has a vision that is uninterrupted, but i wanted to change this, so i broke up the vision and inserted parts of it throughout the film. This was a choice I made due to wanting to try a different storytelling technique.


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