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As Live lecture notes

What is 'As Live'

They are recorded programmes that have a 'live' feel
Usually recorded in a studio location
Majority of the programme is recorded to the required duration
Thus post production is kept to a minimum

Why choose As live? - Advantages

Less left to chance a la true live -  more controllable - more polished
The opportunity to re-record elements of the programme and to make improvements to the intro and closing shots
Cost reduced manpower/ technology
Does not require technical paraphernalia of live transmisions


Trying to 'manufacture' a feeling of a true live programme - lose 'edge'
Truly live programmes are less polished and thus feel less manufactured
Tension of a live programme hard to re-create
Over shooting an easy temptation
Audience at home can feel cheated

As Live Formats

Panel shows
Quiz shows
Chat shows
Comedy/ Entertainment

Common themes in As Live

Usually recorded in a studio - require full studio floor crew
Often involve on screen guests/ talent and main presenter/ anchor
Often use VT inserts
Often topical/ driven by special events

Impact of Genre

Genre of show willl dictate the content, style and location you choose
They can be recorded on location or in a studio, for our purposes, all in studio


Why have an audience? What do they add to the viewing experience? Do we need them?
The audience can take a number of roles
- Passive - simply quietly viewing
- Supportive - there to offer support to a particular contributor
- Appreciative - responding through laughter, clapping etc
- Active/ Participatory - actually taking part in some way
What role do they play depends on the type of format you are producing - value judgements must be made as to their role

As Live content

Theoretically, anything can be presented in an as-live format
It is only limited by considerations such as :


It is absolutely essential that as lives consider timings - when discussing potential content this is a huge factor. Just like a live programme, as lives are carefully timed so that each segment fits a prescribed duration

A simple discussion around the viability of an idea in terms of timing could well determine whether it will be included in the programme or not!

Suggested blog research: As Live formats

Whilst you watch consider:
- Why was As Live chosen
- How convincingly

Points for analysis

What themes were common to the As Live content you have viewed in terms of:


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