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Fiction adaptation: Shot list

In order to make filming easier, I made a shot list outlining what needs to happen, and the shots that I want to have in my final piece.


Person walking up to the grave/ memorial, then stopping a bit in front of it.

Shot reverse shot between the person and the grave/ memorial

Close up of lower face (chin), with a tear trickling down face

Tear drop falling on floor

Wide shot of person and grave, each at opposite ends of the screen

Shot of the trees blowing

Shot of the bushes blowing

Shot of leaves on ground blowing
(above three shots have whispers heard over them. Maybe have person in some of the shots)

Shot of person still at grave/ memorial, takes step(s) closer.

Shot of frost on grass - Possibly have person walking along on frost

Shot of dawn breaking – possibly from top of church tower?

Time lapse of stars

Shot of birds in flight

Person takes final steps closer to grave/ memorial and reaches out for it, but hesitates.

Close up of face, with another tear trickling and falling, this time onto the grave/ memorial

Close up of hand being put onto the grave/ memorial. Rests there for a few seconds before coming away, but leaving behind a hidden flower – possibly dutch angle?

Camera moves round the grave/ memorial, while also panning to the left. This reveals an old man standing behind the person

Camera in front of person. Person raises their head, but has eyes closed in grief

Camera behind person. Person turns around and sees old man

MCU of old man looking at person

Shot reverse shot between old man and person

Wide shot with person and old man on opposite sides of the screen
Close up of old man. One version where he is silent. Another with him saying “I did not die” (last words of the poem)

Back to wide shot, then fade out


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