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Fiction adaptation: Actors and locations

I only need two locations and two actors for my shoot. My first location is going to be the war memorial at Milton Regis Holy Trinity Church in Sittingbourne. I chose to use this location because I felt that this location would fit the poem quite well, as the sonnet that I have chosen is about a person talking from beyond the dead to the people mourning them. I felt like this would also be a good location because some of the lines in the poem link very well to the casualties of war, such as the line "I am a thousand winds that blow", which could be a parallel to all the people who lost their lives in the war.

My second location is at the same church, but it is on top of the tower. I want to use this to film a sunrise, and i thought that it would look good to have the sunrise lighting up the town underneath. I want to use this to accompany the line "I am the sunlight on ripened grain", as I feel like there would be powerful imagery there. I managed to get access to go up the Church tower because I have been up there before. I contacted the person who is in charge of the tower, and he said that he would be able to meet me early one morning to take me up the tower early one morning.

My first actor wasn't a problem to get, as I just needed a person who was between the ages of 20 - 30, and either male or female, so I asked a friend to fill in this role. The second actor that I needed was a bit more difficult to find, as I needed someone who looked older, about 80. I wanted someone who looked older, like they could have fought in the war, and the person at the grave was mourning them. I went to an assisted living home last week, as I felt that the people living there would be a bit more mobile than people in a retirement home. I spoke to the manager and she said that she would ask around and get back to me on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, I looked for some backups in case no one was able to film, so I asked my stepmom if her grandad would be able to do it. I knew that he was almost 100 years old, but the fact that the shots that included him would only take about 30 minutes to do, and he would have to say one line of dialogue, I took a gamble. However, I decided that he would not be able to be my actor, as I did not want him to be straining himself.

I finally managed to get an actor through my nan, as she rang her cousin, who is 82, and he said that he would be able to do it. He is more mobile than my stepmom's grandad, so is ideal as he can stand for longer.


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