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Fiction adaptation: Church tower shoot

When handing my risk assessments, I was told that I would not be able to carry out my idea to film a sunrise from the top of Milton Church tower, due to the possible dangers that could occur, even with safety precautions being in place.

Because of this, I have had to go to my back up plan, which is to contact an old friend from primary school, as I have often seen him post drone films on his facebook, so I have asked him if he either already has some footage of a sunrise over the town, or would be able to film a sunrise for me. I messaged him earlier today, but have not heard back from him yet.

Just in case I am not able to obtain footage from my friend, I have another back up plan, which is to film a sunrise from the green opposite my house, as I'll hopefully be able to get a shot of the sun rising up over the line of houses. It may not have the same desired effect as a sunrise from the top of the church tower, but it should still be able to create feeling in the audience


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