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Story telling unit 1: Idea draft for 10 minute short film

Short film idea for ‘The Meeting’ premise

Title: Decision

A man is walking through an orchard as a short cut, as he is late for the train. As he is walking through the orchard, he hears a few gunshots that sound close. He thinks that this is just the farmer shooting some pheasants or rabbits, so continues walking. As he is walking, he sees something lying underneath some of the trees, so investigates as he walks past. He sees that it is a body, with blood trickling from bullet wounds. The dying man lets out a few last muttered words, and then dies. As the man kneels there in disbelief of what he has just seen, he hears a voice behind him saying, “You shouldn’t have seen this”. As the man slowly turns around to see whom the voice came from, his head is racing, wondering what he is going to do, and what is going to happen to him. The killer stares at the man, and then says, “I’m going to give you a choice”, as he reveals a handgun from his coat. “You can either try to run, or you can help me to dispose of the body”. With only a split second to make his decision, and not wanting to risk his life, he agrees to help the killer to dispose of the body, so asks if he has a plan. The killer explains his plan: that he is going to frame his ex boss by killing an employee that was beginning to be a nuisance, and was causing the boss stress. He is going to get the man to distract his boss at his house so that he can dump the body in the boss’s shed, cover some tools with blood, and plant the gun. He tells the man that they will have to get away from there quickly, as he has called the police and they are on their way. The man nervously agrees to this, and helps the killer to move the body nearer the house of the boss, while thinking of a way to distract the boss. As they both move into position, the man engages in conversation with the man in order to lure him out of his shed, where he is working. As the boss walks over to the man, it becomes apparent that he has an axe with him. The man has an idea. He asks to have a look at the boss’s axe, but then starts to chop at a hedge and run away with the axe, which angers the boss, who begins to run after him, giving the killer time to set up the scene and frame his ex boss. Once this is done, he runs back into the orchard and meets up with the man, and they run further away from the boss’s house and further into the orchard. When they get far enough away, the man asks the killer if everything has gone to plan, as he is walking a few steps in front of the killer. The killer says, “Just as planned”, as he pulls another gun out of his coat pocket. The man turns around and asks what he is doing. The killer replies, “It was you I really wanted”   Shot with both of them in the frame (aerial?) Cut to black. Voice of killer says, “You did this perfectly”.

557 words

Pitch: One decision, influenced by fear, changes a man’s life, but for how long? What will be the outcome?


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