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Story telling unit 1: Challenged to make a story with a place and two characters, picked randomly.





IDEA: Haunted warehouse. Priest to exorcise. Professor for scientific study.

GOAL: Successful exorcism

TITLE: Dock Thirteen.


PRIEST: Priest Osmond

Age- 57

Appearance- portly man with greying hair and weathered face.

Osmond believes it to be the work of the devil.

Traditional beliefs, grew up in the church.

PROFESSOR: Prfsr Charlotte Stevenson

Age- 26

Appearance- short red headed woman

Professor of extraterrestrial studies

Prfsr Stevenson wishes to record solid evidence of paranormal activities.


Abandoned industrial warehouse.


-Starts with visualised emails and v/o phone call conversations detailing the previous events and setting up the story.

-Stevenson arrives first, seems doubtful and begins to set up equipment.

-Osmond rings to say he's arrived. During conversation, lots of static and interference. Warehouse lights flicker and few pieces of equipment appear to show a figure (Stevenson's back is turned.)

-Osmond arrives and immediately looks down on Stevenson's approach.

-Immediately they hear loud noises and investigate, revealing only mice and wind.

-They wait for a while and nothing happens.

-Begin talking (to pass time) and politely argue religion/science.

-Priest says some prayers as Professor wanders with equipment. measuring spook levels.

-Priest finishes prayer as Professor's equipment shows signs of activity

-Each claim it proves their method


-Split up

-Professor triangulates spirit's position and goes to investigate. hears creaking sounds etc and notices suspicious activity. Begins to record proof but equipment becomes damaged.

-Work together to draw out spirit.

-Spirit appears and they agree to exorcise it.

-They defeat the spirit and believe they have won.

-Turn around to see possessed line of school children.

-Lights go out one by one, leaving spotlight on them.

-Each get dragged in opposite direction into darkness.



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