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Story telling unit: Short film idea

Title: Decision

Pitch: One decision, influenced by fear, changes a man’s life, but for how long? What will be the outcome?

Genre: Thriller

Two main characters:
- Steven, 20 years old, average looking young sociable student. likes to hang out with his friends, as they are adventurous like him.

- Killer, 20-24 years old, average build, mysterious. we don't get to know much about him

Main location: Orchard with house nearby

Change: Steven, in fear for his life, starts to think like the Killer, which he catches himself doing a couple of times, but continues doing it. his personality, for those few minutes, changes due to the circumstances
Source material: My dad's house, as he lives in the countryside next to an orchard and a field, so i thought that this would be a good setting for my short film.

Story: A man is walking through an orchard as a short cut, as he is late for the train. As he is walking through the orchard, he hears a few gunshots that sound close. As he is walking, he sees something lying underneath some of the trees, so investigates as he walks past. The dying man lets out a few last muttered words, and then dies. As the man kneels there in disbelief of what he has just seen, he hears a voice behind him saying, “You shouldn’t have seen this”. As the man slowly turns around to see whom the voice came from, his head is racing, wondering what he is going to do, and what is going to happen to him.

A few extra lines: There will be a couple of twists to add suspense and excitement. The focus will be on Steven, as the events that happen in the film will affect him the most.


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