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3rd Year Project: My Project Shoot Day 2 - part One

The second shoot day for my project was on the 27th February, the day of the Lunch club. In the morning, I was also going to the house of another volunteer, a woman called Iris, to interview her as she leaves her house. I wanted to do this so that it gives the feel of the Lunch club coming together, with people traveling to it emphasising that point. 

I wanted to interview Iris as she is one of the three people that came up with and suggested the idea of the Lunch club, so I thought that interviewing her would be very useful. I got to her house just before 9:00, and did a quick look around the outside area so that I could plan what shots I was going to be having, and how to film them. The walk between her front door and her car was quite long, so this allowed for her giving longer, more detailed answers. However, the drawback of this is that there is not a lot of options for clips to cut away from the interview shot in order to break up the scene a bit. 

There was also another problem with the footage from Iris' interview, which was the exposure of the film. The day of filming was really sunny, so I thought that the light would be fine, but when looking back at the footage on my laptop, there are some clips that are unusable due to the amount of light saturation. I had no choice but to film at this angle either, as that is the way the path to her car went, and I didn't want to keep on switching sides. Because of this, I am going to have to re-shoot this scene, as it is going to be incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to colour correct the clips enough to make them usable without making them look to contrasted. 

As I am going to be doing this interview again, I am going to make sure that the sun is not to intense, and if it is spend time altering the settings on the camera to make it look better than the first attempt.


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