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Live Studio Production: Lecture - Workshop

VT or not VT?

- Can add information to the show
- Helps with pace and to keep interest from the audience

Why use them?

- Purpose can vary
   - Quiz show - Provide package for question
   - Discussion programme

- The VT should feel part of the rest of the programme - style and approach
- It should add to the studio content and have a specific purpose
- Just like any other film, they take considerable development and organisation eg Research, Casting,    Scripting


- Opening titles
- Stings
- Subtitles - AKA lower thirds or captions
- On screen stats/ pictorials/ scores
- Credits


- Accuracy
- Branding/ tone
- Clarity
- layout/ composition - 16:9 safe zone
- Font
- Purpose
- Synergy - Images/ words


- Simple, bold typeface - avoid thin, elaborate lettering
- Limit number of fonts used across the production
- Letter less than 1/10th screen height is difficult to read
- Beware of abbreviations
- Leave space between title lines of about 1/2 to 2/3 of height of capital letters
- Warm bright colours good if you need it to be attention grabbing
- NB - On screen time - Read it twice


- Consider the impact of complex backgrounds - you don't want to detract from the focus of the piece
- Equally a varied background can make lettering hard go read


- Technological advances and fashions influence how, where and what graphics are used

Promos and trailers

- Be creative in how we reach the audience
- Make sure we know who they are


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