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As Live Studio Production: Promo shoot day 1

We had to go and shoot a mock up of one of the promos that are hopefully going to be used to promote the show a few days ago. The location that I had enquired about had not gotten back to me within the last few days, so I went into the shops to chase them up. Burtons were not going to allow me to use their shop to film in, however Empire allowed us to. This was great news as it also wasn't going to cost any money to use the shop, we would just need to provide some free publicity, as they only have a few shops. 

Empire had also agreed to let us use a mannequin, however this was changed when we told the owner what we planned to use the mannequin for, which was to run down the street with it. We understood why this was the case, as those mannequins cost over £600 each, and if we broke one, we would not be able to replace it. Because of this, I needed to find something else that we could use, and came upon a mannequin torso where I work, which was going to have to do for the test shoot. As we did not have anything to put on the mannequin to make it more appealing,. we used my jacket instead.

The whole crew arrived ready to shoot at 10:00 on Thursday morning, and we had a really successful shoot, with everyone contributing ideas for shots or steps for the actor to take. I was able to use a mannequin torso from where i work, and I think that this actually worked better than a full sized mannequin as it was much easier to run with. We managed to shoot the whole scene in around two hours, which was what I was aiming for. This was the first location for the promo, and the second half of it is being shot tomorrow at the UCA campus

Here is a quick rough cut of the first half of the promo, to see what it will hopefully look like when it is finished;


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