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Fiction adaptation: What didn't go well on the shoot

There were a few things that went wrong with the shoot. One of the main things was that there were some shots that had to be changed due to the amount of light during the shoot. In some of the shots that I had on my shot list, the sun was either causing a lot of the frame to be lost due to contrast, or was causing a shadow of me on the camera, which was not wanted. Due to this, I had to change some of my shots, but I think I made improvements to the shots needed. The biggest change to the shots that I wanted was filming a sunrise. I wanted to film the sunrise from the top of a church tower, as I felt like the view of the town in the twilight would be a good contrast for the line “I am the sunlight on ripened grain” Because of this change, I managed to contact a friend who does a lot of drone filming, and he let me use some footage he had of a sunrise.

Another thing that could have been improved was the audio. During editing, some of the shots have people in the background talking, which is very quiet. This could be a problem, as the same pieces of audio have some natural background noises, which are very useful. It is going to be a challenge to cut out the sounds of people talking, while keeping the natural noise in the final piece. I am not that experienced in editing audio like this, so this will be a challenge for me.


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