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Fiction adaptation: Editing successes and problems

The editing for this project was hard in some places, due to me trying some new editing techniques, such as colour correcting my shots. I have not done much colour correcting on my previous projects, so it was difficult at first, as I was learning as I went along. Some shots were more difficult to colour correct than others, due to the shots being one after another, but were shot at different times of the day, so the light levels were different. This made colour correcting difficult as it was much harder to have the colours match between shots. 

Another problem during the edit was the audio. There are some clips that have people talking in the background, which is very annoying. It was quite difficult to remove the sound, while still keeping the natural background noise. If I was to do this project again, i would buy better headphones so that I can hear the audio better, and hopefully improve my editing

There were several things that went well during my edit as well. I was able to cut some of the clips so that they match up perfectly, as well as dramatically increase the quality of some of the shots by colour correcting. This helped bring the overall quality of the storey told up, and makes it more engaging for the audience. 


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