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Screen Writing 1

William Goldman - 'Adventures in the screen trade'

1 hour script - about 12,000 words
30 minute script - about 6,000 words
Use more verbs rather than adjectives
Logline - a one, or sometimes two, sentence description that reduces the script to its essential dramatic narrative, and crucially contains all the elements necessary for the telling of a good story.
Treatment - summary of the story (10 pages)
Bible - future story lines (summary of series)

'The Wire' series
'Fleabag' series
'It's always sunny in Philadelphia' series
'6 feet under' series

A screenplay doesn't tell story at audience pace, it tells the story at your pace

5 golden rules of screenwriting
1. A screenwriter is like the CIA, you tell the President what they need to know. Your audience is your President
2. Don't tell, show
3. A screenplay is like a joke, setup, distraction and punchline
4. Know your ending
5.Count your moments

Screenplay cannot survive a bad actor

Only use 1 or 2 voice overs/ coincidences, and use them at the ending
