Title: Decision Pitch: One decision, influenced by fear, changes a man’s life, but for how long? What will be the outcome? Genre: Thriller Two main characters: - Steven, 20 years old, average looking young sociable student. likes to hang out with his friends, as they are adventurous like him. - Killer, 20-24 years old, average build, mysterious. we don't get to know much about him Main location: Orchard with house nearby Change: Steven, in fear for his life, starts to think like the Killer, which he catches himself doing a couple of times, but continues doing it. his personality, for those few minutes, changes due to the circumstances Source material: My dad's house, as he lives in the countryside next to an orchard and a field, so i thought that this would be a good setting for my short film. Story: A man is walking through an orchard as a short cut, as he is late for the train. As he is walking through the orchard, he hears a few gun...