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Pre-production: Research

In order to try and contact as many people that I could to be part of my documentary, I posted a brief description of what my film is and what I needed from people in the Facebook group The Gossip Board of Sittingbourne. I did this as it is a good way for lots of people contact you with information. I did get a few replied on my post, but only two that I was able to follow up on, as the others were just saying that they had heard of it or hadn't been to it. One person commented that they had been to it and really enjoyed it, so I tried to contact them a few times, but they did not reply each time. The other person that I contacted was really helpful, as she told me a few things about the club that I had not heard before. 

As the club is only on once per month, I managed to go to a meeting with several of the volunteers from the club to ask them some more questions, which was very helpful. 

As I knew that the club was primarily created in order to be a place for older people to come and have a hot meal and socialise, I did some research into the population of Sittingbourne, where the club is located. I found that according to, the population of Sittingbourne at the end of 2016 was an estimated 52,435, and out of that, 8,811 of those were aged 65+ years. This is almost a sixth of the population. 


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