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Pre-production: Locations

I have been able to secure access to the Holy Trinity Church in Sittingbourne to be the main location of my documentary, as this is where the Lunch Club is held, and is the Church where many of the volunteers go. In order to secure this location, I spoke with the person who runs the club, Pauline, as well as the Vicar, and they were both happy to let me make my documentary there, and to also do a test shoot.

I have managed to secure a couple of other locations as well. They are both the homes of two of the volunteers at the club. The first one that I secured is the house of a woman called Barbie, and she is the person who got my nan interested in the Lunch club. I wanted to interview her as she was close to my nan, and has also been volunteering at the club for a long time. she lives along the road from my Grandparents house, so it easily accessible.

The second location is the home of another volunteer that I spoke with when I went to the club on October 31st. Her name is Penny, and she said that I would be able to come to her house to do some filming. I wanted to try and film one of the volunteers making some of the food that is going to be served at the club the next day, as I feel like this would be good for the documentary. When I asked Penny if this was OK, she said that it would be fine, so I will be sorting that out nearer the time.

I wanted to try and have a few locations in my documentary so that the film doesn't feel slow and boring, which I feel staying in one location would make it seem. Having several locations to cut between will give the film some energy throughout it.


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