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Using what I have learned in my work

From the research that I have carried out over the past couple of weeks, I now have a better idea of what it means to be an editor, and the jobs that come with being in that role, some of which I did not know about. This has made me a lot more confident in my role.

I have thought about how I am going to be able to incorporate the techniques and skills that I have researched into my work, and I have done some test edits for some of the different cuts and effects, and I feel more confident that I can produce a good piece of work. 

I have rewatched the two scenes of 'The Wrong Mans' that my group will be adapting numerous times so that I can have a better idea of what I am going to change in my version, such as maybe different sounds, or changing the colour scheme. Doing this, I hope to create a slightly different atmosphere in the scenes, so will maybe create some different feelings in the audience. This will also give me a better insight about the types of edit that they use in the show, and what I can do differently.

I am also starting to try and manage my time better, so that I am able to edit more effectively, as this will help me to get into a habit, which will benefit me greatly, as this is one of my weaker points. By having a workflow idea, I will hopefully be able to achieve this.

I have also done some research into some of the programmes that I do not use as much, just in case I feel the need to use them. One of them is Premiere After Effects, as I have not used this programme before, so feel like I need to know more about it before starting the edit, as having to learn about it as I am using it will negatively affect my time management, which I do not want.

Throughout the edit, I will be communicating with the rest of my group, but especially the Director, as he is the one who needs to see the edits that I do the most in order to have his say on what he thinks does and does not work. This is critical for me, as if I did not do this, then the edit could come apart. 


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