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Transition Unit: Shoot Day 2 - Maidstone Studios

Our second shoot was at the Maidstone Studios in the car park. We were shooting at night for an interrogation scene, and night time would give the scene some more depth and feel. 

We encountered quite a few problems during the shoot. On the day, at about 11:00, our actor who was going to be playing the villain dropped out, so we had to find someone else for a 8:00pm shoot. Fortunately, we were able to find someone by 12:30, which was a relief.

The next problem we had was that as we needed it to be quite dark for our shoot, it was staying light for quite a while. due to this, we were late to start filming. This had a knock on effect with our schedule, as the actor who was playing our villain had to get a train back to London at 10:03. This problem, accompanied by some more technical problems with our equipment, forced us to cram a three hour shoot into just 50 minutes. 

we just managed to do it, but if I were to do this shoot again, I would try and make sure that the equipment is up to standard and ready to go way before the shoot, just in case there are some problems that we are able to correct.


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