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Transition Unit: Editing Research

In order to improve my editing potential for this project, I needed to do some research into various editing techniques. This was interesting to do, as I had not done much advanced editing before, and I also found out the names of various cut types that I had used before, but did not know the name of them. 

One website that I found useful was a website called The Beat, which was really helpful due to the information being in bitesized chunks, while including quite a lot of information, so was easy to read and understand. Plus, thew videos that accompanied the points made were very useful, and some of them included well known examples, like Fight club and Skyfall.

I also watched some youtube videos to help me understand the editing process more, which was also very helpful. One idea that George Wing, the Director of the project, had was to have a transition to another shot within the eye of one of the characters in our project. This was going to be a big challenge to me, as I had not tried to edit a shot like this before. However, I found a video on Youtube that will be very helpful when I come to editing that segment.


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