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'As Live' Studio Production: Rehearsal Day 4

This rehearsal day was very fun, as we had some people to be the live audience, which added a sense of realism to the show. We also tried shooting this with the set marked in a different position, in order to see where it works better, and how easy or difficult it would be for the cameras to get the shots that they need.

As my camera has been on wheels for all of the rehearsals, it makes it very easy to move to a new position quickly. This was useful, as there were a few shots that my camera needed to do that were very different to each other in terms of angle and framing, so the wheels on the tripod helped greatly.

There were some problems during the rehearsal though, but they weren't technical. It was the fact that the camera operators were having a hard time trying to imagine where the audience would be, and how far the seats would be going back. There was also the problem of the cables connecting the cameras to the gallery screens. As we did not have a full audience layout, we noticed that the cables would probably be cutting through the audience members, which can't happen in the live show.

We managed to get through the whole show during this rehearsal day, but we had to do it in two parts, which made it easier to shoot, as it was more manageable.


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