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'As Live' Studio Production: Promotions shoot day 2

The second day of the Promotions shoot took place at the Rochester campus of UCA.

This shoot started off really badly, due to the amount of problems that we had encountered. The first of these problems was the fact that for some reason, the footage from the previous day was very poor quality when it was transfered onto a laptop, despite it looking fine on the camera display on the day of the shoot. Because of this, a member of the Promotions team needed to go to Maidstone Studios and pick up another camera, as we did not want to use the same camera again just in case the second day's footage turned out the same. 

The second problem of the day was the fact that as people arrived late, due to traffic and having to go and get another camera. Because of this, we missed our filming slot in one of the fashion design rooms, as we were planning on shooting a quick scene before lectures started at 10:00. Because people were late, we couldn't film in time.

When we were all finally at the location, we set up our camera and planned out the steps of the scene. however, the lights in the project space were not giving us a good shot on the new camera, as the actors had an orange tinge to them. because of this, we tried opening the blinds to let in natural light, but that didn't work enough either. Because we were behind schedule, me and one other member of the team went around the university looming for some spare lights, which we eventually found in the Fashion Photography department. We were able to use the lights, and the tutor came down to the project space with us to help set them up and helped the shot on the camera look good. 

We still needed a space to film the scene that we missed in the morning, so I went around the University again and eventually found a space that was not being used, which made for a perfect setting for the scene. 

Despite all of the problems that had occurred that day, we managed to film all that we needed to do at the University, and then made our way to Maidstone Studios to film the last shot of the Presenters walking into the studio where the show was going to be. 


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