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Documentary unit: Research for project

Useful stats

  • Tanya Goodin (founder of one of the UK's first digital detox companies) carried out a survey of more than 500 young people aged 13 to 18. Of those, 29% said they spent more than eight hours a day online while 36% admitted they regularly fell asleep with their phone or laptop in bed. Two-thirds (67%) said they went to their phone when they were bored and nearly 60% revealed they used their phone as a crutch in an uncomfortable social situation. (
  • UK children spend 6 1/2 hours a day on screens - 39% of UK children say they sometimes communicate with their parents by text, email and social media whilst 
  • communicate with their parents by text, email and social media whilst being at home at the same time 

It was at this point that our idea changed


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