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Third Year: Pre-production Ideas

I have had several ideas on what to do for my third year Major project, which do differ from one another. My first idea was about a set of twins that go out together one day, but one of them accidentally kills the other, so gets rid of their body and then takes on the life of their twin, while trying to live their own life as well. Over time, the living twin would get very deep into the twin's life, even having to marry the dead twin's fiancé. One twist I thought I could make with this idea is that one twin hasn't seen the family for years, due to problems with drug use, while the other twin has become relatively successful. They meet for the first time in years, and it is the successful twin that is killed, so the drug addict twin has to try and sober up and take the role of their twin.

Another idea was on the importance of stories, and how passing on stories of your life to people is key in society. I have heard numerous stories from family and friends, and the idea came about due to me thinking that these stories are lost when the person who tells them either dies or cannot recall them, so they need to be told and passed on.

However, the idea that I am going to go through with for my third year major project is a documentary on a small club at a church in Sittingbourne, where I live. The club is called The Lunch club, and is run solely by volunteers who want to help the older generation in the town to get out more and rejoin society.

The volunteers make the food that is served at home, and a lunch at the club consists of a main course, dessert, and tea or coffee, all for the price of just £3, and the money raised goes to charity.

I chose to do my Major Project on this topic as my nan used to volunteer there, but unfortunately she died earlier this year, so I wanted to do something in her memory, and she often talked about it, which made me think that the club may be more important than people think, and I feel that it needs to be shown.


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