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'As Live' Studio production: Rehearsal day

On this day, we had our first rehearsal for our live show, so that we could start to get a feel as to how the actual show is going to play out. We didn't use a script for this rehearsal, though, as we were mainly focusing on the roles that we are each going to be playing on the show, like cameraman, vision mixer and director. We were told that we needed to have a go at each of the roles in the team so that we understood what that role entails, and what can go wrong with it. This is so if there is a mistake made, we know how difficult the job can be. 

My role on the studio floor is cameraman, so I was on one of the cameras for most of the day, as I wanted to get a feel for the types of shots that are going to be used for the live show. We also had talk back systems so we could communicate with the people in the gallery, such as the directors. This was really useful because if there was a problem with our camera, we could let the directors know about it immediately, and get it sorted as quickly as possible. 

I was able to have a go at the other roles that are part of the show, such as sound mixer. I found this interesting as I had never done this before, so it was exciting to have the chance to try something new. The sound mixer, during this rehearsal, is responsible for the sound levels of the talent's microphones. They are also responsible for putting the microphones on the talent. 

I also tried some of the roles in the gallery. I first tried being a Production assistant, where I had to count in the VTs and the beginning of the show. 

After this, I had a chance to be the vision mixer, which I liked very much. I made one mistake during the show, which was I made a cut instead of a transition. Other than that, it was a really smooth show. 

Directing was one role that I wanted to try as well, and when I did, I really enjoyed it. it can be difficult to keep an eye on all of the cameras at the same time, but can be done. When our lecturer was telling me what cameras to go to for the first part, I was trying to guess what camera he would tell me to set up and cut to next, and I matched him quite a few times, which I was quite proud of. 

The last role that I tried in the gallery was being in charge of the VTs, but as we only had one VT done so far, I only had to press play one time, and that was my role done for the show. When there are more VTs for the actual show, I can see this being a bit more difficult, due to having to get numerous VTs and stings ready quickly for certain parts of the show.

Overall, I am glad that I got the opportunity to try out the all of the different roles that are vital in order for the actual show to be put together. I definitely understand more about all the roles in the studio environment.


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