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Directions unit: Red Riding script break down

Red riding script break down

- Eddie - Andrew Garfield

- Bill Hadley - bill Nighy
- Maurice Jobson - Colin Firth
- Barry Gannon - Eddie Redmayne
- Bill Molloy - Liam Neeson

- Kathryn Tyler - Billie Piper
- Police woman - Judi Dench
- Mr Kemplay - John Cleese
- Mrs Kemplay - Maggie Smith

Director of cinematography - Roger Dealing, due to the fact that he has worked on several films that have suspense and action in them and have performed well at the box office.
Production designer - Dick Lynn ( The Inbetweeners)
Composer - John Williams
Editor - Alex Lamb ( EastEnders )


Conference room in police station - countryside, so small but still sophisticated.

Country road, but with fields on either side so view of road isn't obstructed.

I would film. This in a slightly darker tone as the issues that will be dealt with are very negative, so I would want to reflect that in the way the programme looks. I would also have music that is not as up beat as other television programmes as I do not think that it will help create the mood if the sound does not match the film. However I would try and have a few moments of comedy in order to lighten the mood for a moment, as I believe that this would make thr story more engaging for the audience.

This shot would be good, as the light is just right, however this looks too much like a doctor's waiting room, so I would make this more business like me have the people in suits and not reading magazines.


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