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3rd Year Final Project: Production

As I am going to be filming my final university project between the 25th February and the 3rd March, I needed to go to the lunch club one more time in order to secure who I am going to be able to interview, and where. I mistakenly went to the Lunch Club last week, as I know that the club is on the last Wednesday of every month, but didn't realise that this month had 5 Wednesdays, so was a week early. However, it was good that I went to the Church where the club is held as I found out that the club location had been moved to a hall down the road due to construction in the Church that wasn't scheduled to be completed until Easter. I therefore used this extra week to contact a few of the contributors and see when they were available to be filmed. One contributor, Barbie, has agreed to be interviewed at her home, which is good as this will add some variety in locations in my documentary. 

The next week when I went to the club, I needed to do another reccy of the location, as it had changed. I also wanted to talk to as many people as I could, and see if they would be willing to be part of my documentary. Everyone that I spoke to said that they would be happy to be part of my film in one way or another. I managed to talk to a woman called Penny who is a volunteer, and she said that she would be happy to be filmed at her house, so I suggested filming her cooking something that is going to be served at the lunch club. I also managed to speak to a few people that I had interviewed in my test footage, as I wanted them to be part of my film. One of these people was called Alan, and he was very informative during my test footage, so I took down his phone number so that I can contact him if need be. 

One person that I didn't get to interview during my test footage is Richard, as he was not there However he was at the club this week, so I asked him how he got to the club, and he said that he lives in Newington, so takes the train. This may be good for me, as I may be able to film him on his journey to the club, as the train station is only a few minutes away from the club location. 

I still need to contact the Vicar in order to see if he is going to be available to be interviewed, but as the Church that he belongs to is being renovated, I need to contact him, whether it be finding a contact number or email address. I am also going to be asking people at the St Mary Church a few minutes away, as the people who went to the Holy Trinity Church are now having their sermons there for the duration of the construction

So far, I have secured 6 volunteers to interview and 9 customers, so I have managed to get a range of viewpoints for my documentary. 


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