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3rd Year Main Project: Pre-Production - Evaluation

Throughout the pre-production and production for my documentary, there are many things that I could have done better, but there are things that went really well. I feel like I managed to overcome the challenges that arose in a good manner, and also made some decisions that led to some very good results. The first thing that I could have done better is doing more thorough research, and trying harder to contact people from the club outside of club hours. If I had done this sooner, then I would have a better portfolio of more people who attend the club. I did manage to interview quite a few people at the club, both volunteer and customer, so I feel like I still had quite a good range of opinions, however it would have been good to broaden the types of questions that I asked them, such as what they did before coming to the club, or how they heard about the club. I feel like this would have been better to do as then the audience could build up more of a relationship to the characters, and
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3rd year Project: Pre-production - Case study Research - Part 3

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3rd year Project: Pre-production - Case study Research - Part 2

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3rd year Project: Pre-production - Case study Research - Part 1

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3rd Year Project - Evaluation and Conclusion

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